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Sarah Singal

Newsbytes from July Steering Committee meeting

Updated: Jul 22, 2020

Resources: Color Penfield Green. This relatively new organization is committed to ensuring Penfield is a sustainable green community. Their website is and you can subscribe to the monthly newsletter to see multiple ways in which they address climate change. For example, the Color Penfield Green Newsletter contains an article about how St Joseph’s Church is reacting to the climate crisis, written by RAICA member Ruth Marchetti; check it out.

Resources: Climate Smart Community. New York State has a program to recognize successes that local governments have attained in decreasing carbon emissions and responding to climate change. The website is . Your community can be registered, bronze certified, or silver certified. So far in Monroe County the City of Rochester and Town of Brighton are bronze certified; Penfield is working on certification.

Resources: Drawdown 2020. The new edition of Drawdown is available online, at . See how sectors such as electricity, industry, health and education can contribute to drawing down levels of greenhouse gases. Get the Drawdown Review, with updates in research and analysis in climate solutions.

Overlapping spheres of action: The resources mentioned above are all addressing climate change. If RPCC and Pachamama and RAICA all promote electric vehicle use, sustainable power sources, and composting, for instance, do we need all of these organizations? Yes! We promote each other, and encourage our members to get involved in whatever organization appeals to them in ways they feel they can be most effective. Some people may gravitate to a faith-based approach, others will look to town leaders, and others may promote passage of legislation, and no one should be limited to just one organization. Jim Tappon, one of the original founders of RAICA, says, “There is room for everyone and anyone! We are part of a large Rochester climate movement.”

Here are two announcements, not covered in the July Steering Committee meeting, but of interest to readers:

Virtual Rally, announcement by John Keevert

You're invited to a Climate, Jobs, and Justice Recovery Virtual Rally and Campaign Launch- from NYRenews and coalition members. As Covid-19 continues to attack our communities and the climate crisis continues to encroach, it is more urgent than ever that NY State invest in its communities, create good, green jobs, transition to 100% renewable energy, and make polluters pay to provide for a decent, just recovery and a transition to an economy that works for all. The past few months have been difficult for so many of us. We deserve better. That’s why NY Renews is launching our Climate, Jobs, and Justice Recovery campaign this August 19th with a virtual rally. Join us to tell the legislature and governor that we will not wait for a just recovery! The Covid-19 pandemic, financial crisis, and Black Lives Matter uprising have made one thing abundantly clear: when crises happen, they hurt marginalized communities first and worst. The climate crisis is no different. We need legislation and a budget that reflects the urgent needs of working class communities of color while combating climate change. We won a huge victory for our movement last summer with the passage of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, and that was only possible with the work of thousands of New Yorkers rallying, organizing, calling, writing, and fighting for it. We’re not done, and this is our next fight. Sign up for the launch into our next fight for climate justice in NY. We know what our movement is capable of, but only when we do it together. Last time, each and every one of you was a vital part of that victory. We can and will do it again with your help. The struggle continues. Join the virtual for #ClimateJobsAndJustice August 19th. Note: RAICA supports NYRenews.

Announcement from Hridesh Singh, Rochester Youth Climate Leaders:

Hey everyone! The New York Youth Climate Leaders have been heavily involved with trying to divest our state’s public pension fund from fossil fuel investments and just achieved a major breakthrough this week!! Comptroller DiNapoli, the sole trustee of the fund, has divested from coal stocks! Although this isn’t a full divestment from fossil fuels, our state is one of the first in the nation to fully divest from coal. Feel free to share this info!

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