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Sarah Singal

Hey Kids, Make Your Own Carbon Catcher

Hey, Kids—

The First Universalist Ecojustice Group wants to share a secret with you. We’ll show you how to make your very own Carbon Catcher. It’s the same design as the paper fortune tellers that you can fold from a square piece of paper. But it gives you and your family and friends some ideas about what you can do to help avoid some effects of climate change.

How to fold: take one of the corners of your paper square and fold the paper in half, making a diagonal crease. Unfold, then repeat with the other opposite corners. Unfold and you have a square with creases forming an X. With the typewritten side up, take each of the corners and fold it up almost to the center of the X. Make sure the paper edges from each corner don’t overlap. Don’t unfold any more. Flip the paper over and do the same thing. Then crease the paper in half horizontally, unfold that crease, and crease the paper vertically, and unfold that crease. You will find a pocket at each corner for the thumb and index finger of each hand. See You Tube video.

How to use the Carbon Catcher: You will start with only the four pictures showing: water, sun, food, and plants. Your friend picks one and you spell it out opening the carbon catcher first one way and then the next. Now four categories of caring for the earth are showing. Your friend picks one and you spell that out as before. Now four categories are showing, either the same as before or four new ones. Friend picks one of those categories and you open the flap revealing two hand-written messages relating to the category that was just picked. First read the message deep in the center of the carbon catcher, that is something one person can do to combat climate change. Then read the message on top to scale it up; that's an action that many people can do.

Make it your own: You might have some ideas for climate action and/or caring for the earth that have special meaning for you. You can fill out the messages on your carbon catcher that you like best.

Here are pictures of the unfolded paper; there is a handwritten side

and a typewritten side.

The typewritten side has information on how to find and contact your elected officials, and the websites of some popular organizations involved in climate action. You can copy it and put it on the fridge. Remember, your elected officials want to know what really matters to you. And if you are feeling that climate problems are too overwhelming, you may find it comforting and exciting to join others who are making a difference.

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