RAICA Youth is always looking for new members!
Our mission statement: RAICA Youth believes that the climate crisis requires immediate action and will affect theirs and future generations. By connecting and uplifting youth across Rochester area faith communities, RAICA Youth strives to harness the energy, passion, and drive of Rochester’s youngest citizens to spread sustainable practices, hold leaders accountable for the Earth they will leave behind, and become a point of leadership for faith communities in the fight for climate justice!
RAICA Youth was formed in the spring of 2020. Here's what we've done so far:
Volunteered at St. Mark's and St. John's community garden
Fought "fast fashion" by emailing brands with unsustainable practices and promoting sustainable companies on our Instagram
Attended fundraisers supporting Black-led organizations
Created a call-to-climate-action video for houses of worship
Click here to request more info or find out how to join!
For Houses of Worship (HoW) or Institutions
Connect your youth group with RAICA Youth!
Click here for an informational flyer to share with teens
Email us at raica.youth@gmail.com for a collaboration
For individuals
Check out our Instagram to see what we're up to: @raica_org
Email us if you want more info or are interested in joining: raica.youth@gmail.com
How RAICA Youth works
RAICA youth meets every Tuesday at 2pm via Zoom
We discuss current projects and brainstorm new ways we can take climate action within and outside of our faith communities
“The climate crisis has already been solved.
We already have all the facts and solutions.
All we have to do is to wake up and change.”
- Greta Thunberg, 2019